I hear hashtags are out of style, but my director of communications at the Community Foundation still likes them and uses them, so why not?
It’s easy to get wrapped up in the negative right now. Story after story of doom and gloom. We’re clearly in an unknown time. Not knowing what the future really looks like or how “normal” will feel when we emerge from our sheltering.
I’ve always known I’m very fortunate to have my role at Galesburg Community Foundation because we get to focus on all the good things happening in Knox and Warren Counties. And right now, even during COVID-19, there is still a lot of good happening. From your Community Foundation issuing $143,000 in grants to nonprofits serving the front lines dealing with COVID-19 to parades formed by our local school teachers— there is so much good happening.
Over the last few days, Galesburg District #205 school teachers have held parades in support of their students. A few days ago was the Gale parade—Gale is one of District 205’s elementary schools, where two of my children attend.
It was a perfect day for a parade. The sun was shining and one of my kids even had on shorts! My wife, our kids and I stood in our driveway and waved to the Gale teachers driving by our house. My kids excitedly waved their large cutouts, blue and yellow hearts, and the teachers honked and yelled as they drove by. It was heartwarming and great to see our teachers pass by, as they too were clearly glad to see their students.
The school year may not have ended as we all desired, but we’re making the best of it. I’m sure my children will long remember the “Gale Parade” that drove by our house and the fun we had together creating our big hearts and sidewalk chalking the driveway in anticipation.
You see, there is #SoMuchGoodHappening right now. Somedays if might seem that we have to look a little harder to find the good, but believe me it is bountiful in Knox and Warren Counties.